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For statutory children and young adults who are determined to have complicated or extreme requirements or moderate to high needs, SVSM Care offers a variety of out-of-home care choices. Four service/placement delivery units help compensate for SVSM Care’s flexible service arrangement.

Every Care Worker and approved Foster or Kinship Career is fully examined, has their Children’s Commission Blue Card reviewed, has their background examined by the police, and is assessed for their appropriateness for each of our services

Emergency Response Services (ERS)

Young children who encountered emergency problems might receive emergency residential care from SVSM Care. We locate these children as residents and offer all the facilities and residential care they require for their circumstances.

Foster Care Services

A system in which a minor has been sent to a ward, group home or private residence of a state-certified or with a relative who has been given their approval. In this case, the organization often arranges for the child's placement.

Residential Care Services

Our residential care service provides placements for children and young people in houses where care is provided by a team of rostered employees.

Therapeutic Placement Services (TPS)

For young people who require individualized programming due to behavioral health and substance use difficulties, the team offers free treatment advice and referrals. TPS gives patients the confidence to make informed treatment decisions, which produces more effective treatment outcomes.